Ph 027 298 4792, Christchurch

Fionna McCarthy - Professional Counselling, Relationship Therapy & Supervision.

Happy couple piggy backing & smiling at each otherImago Relationship Therapist

Fionna offers a warm, compassionate approach well-grounded in her knowledge and many life experiences.

Fionna’s passion for people is demonstrated as she journeys alongside those who want to improve their life situation and wellbeing.

This includes couples struggling with realtionship isssues who want a deeper loving connection, individuals seeking support with life challenges or personal growth, and families building better connections.

Courage, Communication, Connection, Celebration

Sessions are available: In Person, Online or Telephone. 


Individual Counselling

Two chairs on the shoreline of the beach facing the ocean with view looking towards the sun raising

Find relief from talking openly with support in a space where you will be heard with understanding and acceptance.

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Relationship Therapy

A couple standing outside looking at each other and smiling

Reconnect and enrich your relationship with skills to resolve and dissolve conflict, creating a deeper loving connection.

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Issues Covered

Close-up of a drop of water

Our lives are forever changing which brings challenges to the enjoyment of life, personal well-being and our relationships.

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