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NZTAA TAttler October Issue 2014

2014 ITAA World Conference Experience: Fionna McCarthy:

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ITAA-logoTransactional Analysis

Although, my foundational counselling approach is Person-Centred Therapy, along with influences from other counselling approaches I have received training in, I have chosen to apply Transactional Analysis (TA) as the foundation of my clinical thinking. I find TA is beneficial to people who want to create transformation in their lives. TA is a theory of personality; therefore it describes how people are structured psychologically. It has become known widely for the clarity and understanding that is gained from the unique feature of this approach; the ego-state model (Parent-Adult-Child) model. This model helps to understand, and explains how people function, and express their personality in their behaviours, from both positive and negative aspects.

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Imago logoImago Relationship Therapy

What does "Imago" mean?

Imago is the Latin word for image. In Imago Therapy, imago describes our unique image of love. Our imago develops from birth and becomes the type of love that is most familiar to us. This develops as we take in what love feels like, sounds like from our caregivers and other adults who are significant in our life. Some images of our familiar love can include being fun loving and free spirted, as well as being emotionally unavailable, preoccupied or stressed, ignoring, or interested and encouraging. This is how we learnt, how someone that loves us, will be with us which also includes both the positive and negative aspects of that love.

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